03 min reading

40+ Cool 3D Tattoos We Had to Look at Twice

From animals bursting out of their body to skin looking like it’s been torn, shredded, or cracked like glass, these tattoos might be some of the most amazing 3D artwork you’ve ever seen.


Endless Arm Blocks

These falling blocks look pretty cool at first glance, but then you start looking closer and realize that there’s no end to them, and it looks like they just go straight through the arm — and that disembodied hand is just floating there. This is a really great piece. The blocks look so realistic, you almost want to reach out and grab one.

Endless Arm Blocks

A Hole in the Arm

This next one is kind of mind-blowing. The lines in this tattoo look like they’re getting sucked into an all-consuming black hole, which has been tattooed in a way that makes it seem as though it’s going straight through this person’s arm. You almost think you could stick a finger through there.

A Hole in the Arm

We bet you this guy wakes up every day a bit startled that the densest object in the known universe had opened in the middle of his forearm.

Just Bee Nice

Bees are often used to symbolize renewed life, community, or the sun. Obviously, they build hives out of honeycomb, and this leg tattoo creates a 3D optical illusion of bees crawling around a honeycomb.

Just Bee Nice

Another cool feature of this tattoo is how it looks like the skin is just a cap to the honeycombs and is in the process of being removed from a few of them.

Yikes! Burn It!

If you don’t like spiders, you might not be able to fathom why someone would want a giant one right on their shoulder. This one looks like it’s crawling across her back, and whatever you think about spiders — whether you love or hate them — the artwork on this particular tattoo is pretty incredible.

Yikes! Burn It!

The shadow underneath this gigantically horrifying spider is a really nice touch, and adds to the illusion that it’s crawling across her back. Just keep it over there and let us admire it from a distance, thanks.

Someone Loves Blow Pops

It’s always a little incredible when you see a photo of someone who loves something so much, they get it tattooed on their body for the rest of their lives. This person really loves Blow Pops, and not just any Blow Pops – the super-rare blue haze flavor.

Someone Loves Blow Pops

It’s really cool that he thought of everything; all the words on the wrapper, the shadow, and even the little stick it looks like he’s holding. Great job!

Just a Block Head

You gotta wonder if this next one came about due to this guy’s friends or wife constantly calling him a blockhead. This man decided to just roll with the bald shtick but instead of getting a cue ball tattoo or something of that sort, he chose a brick wall.

Just a Block Head

With the peeling skin, maybe he was going for a mid-renovation image — like someone pulling wallpaper off and finding old-style brick underneath.

Before the Drinks

These next two are a nice before and after shot of a guy who had his act together first, then maybe had a few too many drinks. This shot is of a guy who thought it would be awesome to make his skin look like a shirt, complete with buttons.

Before the Drinks

Say what you will — this is a pretty classy tattoo choice. After all, he could have gone with a simple t-shirt, but instead, he chose a button-down that’s even tucked in!

After the Drinks

If the man in the last photo had his act together, this next fella let himself go a little bit. Maybe he even saw the other guy’s photo online and decided to put his own little spin on it. Regardless, this is what happens when you spend a few years eating burgers and drinking too many cold ones.

After the Drinks

At least he’s got a sense of humor about the whole thing and he’s really owning his dad-bod there. If he ever loses the weight, though, he’s going to have to get it changed!

That’s a Real Butterfly

There’s not really anything crazy about this one, but it is a super-realistic butterfly that looks like it’s about to tcake flight from this woman’s shoulder. Again, the nice addition of shadowing lends some hyperrealism to this beautiful piece of art.

That’s a Real Butterfly

It’s really cool how the wings look like they’re just popping off her body. You really do half-expect this butterfly to flutter away at any second.

Welcome to the Matrix

Alright, it’s not exactly like the cable stuck in the back of Neo’s head in The Matrix, but maybe this guy couldn’t get the license for it or something. At any rate, this super-realistic 3D picture of some strange blue cables going into the base of this guy’s skull would make anyone do a double-take.

Welcome to the Matrix

This ink is, at a minimum, pretty unnerving. He could always just grow his hair out and cover it up if he freaked too many people out, though he’d still have the blue cable going down his neck.

The Real-Life Terminator

Most people watch The Terminator and just think that it was a cool movie. This guy, though, took it to the next level and got a tattoo that was inspired by the Arnold Schwarzenegger film. This is some pretty sweet ink — it gives the illusion that this individual’s skin is just a covering for the machinery underneath.

The Real-Life Terminator

The ripped skin look is a little grisly, but it’s a pretty cool tattoo nonetheless. The artist did a really great job on this one.

Please Say Cheese!

At first glance, this seems like kind of a weird tattoo but just think of the possibilities. This person no longer has to hold her hands up like she’s got a camera — now all she has to do is hold her arm up and the camera is right there. What a party gag!

Please Say Cheese!

The only problem with this tattoo is that when it’s not in the right position, you might have a hard time getting it. She’s destined for a lifetime of having to hold her arm up to explain it to people.

The Unlikely Cartographer

Here’s another piece of body art in the whole “skin is cracking to reveal something weird underneath” vein. This person decided to go with an old-style map for whatever reason. Although it came out looking pretty freakin’ sweet, we still can’t help but wonder why…

The Unlikely Cartographer

Maybe he just really likes old maps or just dated things in general, or perhaps he just saw it online and thought it looked cool. Either way, we’d have to agree!

Hello Miss Kitty

Someone really loves cats, and this tattoo is a pretty realistic picture of one. It’s a little simple as far as tattoos go, but sometimes less is more. Maybe it was an old family cat that passed away and this person just wanted to remember it.

Hello Miss Kitty

Perhaps it’s actually an attempt to cover up a scar where said cat scratched this person, and they got the tattoo in a moment of bitter irony.

Snakes in an Arm!

You’ll definitely do a double-take when it comes to this next photo. A picture too perfect for words, this piece of art is designed to make it look as though this snake is actually winding its way through this individual’s skin. He’ll be scaring people wherever he goes with this tattoo!

Snakes in an Arm!

This guy got a really good artist to do this work, and it shows. We wouldn’t be surprised if this slithery snake wound its way all around this man’s body — not just through his arm. Too good!

Half-Man, Half-Machine

In science fiction, cyborgs are a blend between man and machine — not fully robot but not fully human either. There are plenty of different conceptualizations about how they might look if they were real, but this half-body tattoo is a pretty cool example.

Half-Man, Half-Machine

Perhaps the coolest feature of this tattoo is how seamlessly the natural human skin is blended in with the tattoo, so you can barely tell where one begins and one ends.

This One Screams Drama

Here we have yet another mind-blowing masterpiece. While some people get a tattoo of a simple paw print — be it their dog’s or cat’s — others go for something a little more…mind-altering, so to speak. Take this guy, for instance.

This One Screams Drama

A simple paw print just wouldn’t do. No, this dude wanted something that screams drama and intensity; a piece of artwork that could make anyone and everyone passing by do a doubletake.

Real-Life Spiderman

This next one is a nice reversal of how you might normally expect someone to dress up as their favorite superhero. This guy is implying he’s Spiderman, with his suit hidden underneath his outer layer of skin. We’d hate to see the supervillain who was able to do that damage, though!

Real-Life Spiderman

So, this person wears normal clothing, then has a layer of skin — and under that is his Spiderman suit. Does that mean he has to tear his skin off to suit up? The world may never know.

Crazy Cracked Glass

The scary thing about this next tattoo is how the space “without” skin actually looks like flesh and muscle. Once you see that, a small part of you can’t help but wonder whether or not this is actually real. Of course, though, the illusion of cracking glass should clue you in that this in fact a tattoo.

Crazy Cracked Glass

Even though it’s a little unnerving, this is a great example of a super creative tattoo. It’s a simple yet effective use of 3D techniques. There’s no doubt that people will have to do a double-take when this guy is out at the beach.

Why the Birds?

Here’s another tattoo with ripped, cracked skin, that reveals a hidden background underneath instead of just flesh. This one features a beautiful blue sky with a few puffy clouds beneath the skin’s surface, but why are there so many birds flying around?

Why the Birds?

If they were majestic eagles, that would be one thing, but these look like seagulls. One or two seagulls also works, but this is a lot! Still, it’s a great piece of art.

A Sewing Kit on the Go

How sweet is this 3D tattoo, nay work of art?! If we didn’t know any better, we’d say that this gal actually decided to hang a real-life sewing needle from her leg with a lace garter.

A Sewing Kit on the Go

Nope! That’s all an illusion — a really awesome, thought-out illusion. Judging from the shadows and detail in this piece of ink, we can only assume that it took hours to create. Nonetheless, we’re sure it was totally worth the pain and time.

Another Take on Planets

These planetary, cosmic surrealist tattoos never get old — and here’s yet another one that incorporates 3D hexagons and a teasing glimpse into the infinite universe. This one is kind of freaky because it really looks like the skin is breaking apart to give a tiny glimpse into the beyond.

Another Take on Planets

Yet again, the tattoo artist responsible for this ink did an absolutely phenomenal job, as it’s super realistic looking and fits perfectly in the world of 3D. Truly a masterpiece.

It’s Over 9000!

If you’re a fan of Dragon Ball Z, you’ll love this next tattoo. It features the main protagonist, Goku, caught in a rare thumbs-up battle pose instead of his normal fighting stance. How cool! This tattoo is designed in such a way that Goku’s hand seamlessly transforms into the individual’s hand.

It’s Over 9000!

Dragon Ball Z is a very popular anime show, and there are plenty of tattoos of different characters out there. This one is pretty unique, though, with its realistic 3D features.

The All-Seeing Eye

Ok, there’s a lot going on in this next tattoo, but obviously, the big floating eye in the middle of a pyramid draws the most attention. The meaning of this tattoo is really anyone’s guess, but in any event, we can all admit that this is a pretty cool piece of ink.

The All-Seeing Eye

The eye and triangle imagery is pretty common. Perhaps the best-known example is on the back of the $1 bill. It’s also known as the “eye of providence” in case you were wondering.

Scary Face Tattoo

Next up in the surreal world of art is this incredible — and slightly disturbing — tattoo of a face behind what looks like cathedral stained glass. Not only do the different layers add a whole lot of depth to the tattoo, but they also help to make it the impeccable work of 3D art that it is.

Scary Face Tattoo

You have to wonder if this is a significant other, or maybe just a random face. Regardless of who it is, this is a very bold tattoo.

Creepy Eye and DNA

There’s something about disembodied eyes floating around that’s a little disturbing, and this tattoo adds some ultra-realistic DNA to the mix. We’re not sure what the inspiration for this ink was, but if they were just going for abstract, they definitely achieved it.

Creepy Eye and DNA

You could probably spend a lot of time analyzing this tattoo, trying to figure out what’s being said, but at the end of the day, it’s a great three-dimensional work of art.

That’s Gotta Hurt

If you’re looking for a tattoo that makes people wince in pain and/or scream, look no further than this next picture. That’s a really big fish hook and the way it’s drawn literally looks like it’s stuck in this person’s hand.

That’s Gotta Hurt

Either this particular individual really enjoys fishing or they just want people to do a double-take whenever they catch a glimpse of this tattoo. Either way, it’s pretty creative, don’t you think?

Life-Like Rose

Following the trend of hand tattoos, this next one is just a rose, but it’s an incredible drawing of a rose. It almost looks real, with vivid colors and perfect textures. Some tattoos are truly amazing and this is certainly one of them.

Life-Like Rose

All this person needs is some rose-scented lotion or perfume and the ensemble would be complete. In reality, roses are a beautiful flower, and this piece really does their beauty justice.

Would This Heart Be Broken?

Another fish hook tattoo is coming right up — this one being two fish hooks in the shape of a heart. We could go one of two ways with this. Either this person really, really likes fishing or it’s a fun pastime they share with their significant other.

Would This Heart Be Broken?

Even though we know it’s fake, you can’t help but wince when you see this picture. It’s oddly realistic looking. Seriously, don’t the needles look super sharp?

Cosmic Chest Tattoo

These hexagon removable skin tiles seem to be a pretty popular theme when it comes to 3D tattoos. This particular one takes that motif and adds some cosmic imagery to make it really surreal and abstract. It’s a beautiful tattoo that covers the entire chest.

Cosmic Chest Tattoo

This is yet another great work of art, and it really looks like this person has — for some reason — the galaxy hidden right beneath their skin. It’s got a lot going on but it definitely works.

Bees, Skulls, and Honey

If that last tattoo was a fascinating use of hexagon skin tiles, this next one will really have you in awe — although it’s a bit more on the disturbing side. It too has the hexagon pattern but it’s also got some bees, a random skull, and dripping honey in case the bees and honeycomb shapes didn’t clue you into the theme.

Bees, Skulls, and Honey

Bees, skulls, and honey. What other three things can you think of that go together better than that combination? Baseball, peanuts, and hot dogs don’t count…

Random Evaporating Man

This next one’s a little random — it’s just a man’s torso that seems to be evaporating into thin air. Then again, though, that mystery doesn’t take away from the fact that this is a pretty sweet tattoo. In fact, that ambiguity makes it even cooler. We’re just not sure what it’s supposed to mean…

Random Evaporating Man

Why is this guy evaporating? Why does he kind of look like he’s enjoying it? And where’s the bottom half of him? These are questions we’ll probably never get answers to.

Optical Neck Illusion

These next couple of tattoos are wading deep into the pool that is optical illusions, with this first one being some simple swirls that create the mirage of a never-ending column. It almost looks like a cyclone or something, but more with swirling lines and less with wind.

Optical Neck Illusion

You never really think about the fact that anything that can be done on paper could theoretically be done on skin, which is what makes these tattoos so surprising and a little shocking. Very cool!

Some More Swirling Illusions

This next one is another swirling optical illusion, this time on the front of the neck and chest. It creates the illusion that there are some major holes in this person’s skin, with just strips of skin holding it all together. It also looks a little like a mustache.

Some More Swirling Illusions

You gotta wonder if this person wakes up and suddenly thinks they’ve got holes in their chest, or perhaps it doesn’t look the same from their perspective. It’s still incredible!

A Needle in the Arm

Talk about asking people to touch you for the rest of your life. This lady made the inexplicable decision to get a tattoo of a needle going through the skin of her arm, and she asked to have it super life-like. The result is this.

A Needle in the Arm

People are constantly going to look at this piece before asking if they can touch it, all the while exclaiming how realistic it is. Hey, at least it’s a good conversation starter!

Scuba Steve Half-Sleeve

Scuba-diving is a great sport because of just how vast the ocean is. This cool half-sleeve tattoo of a 3D scuba diver captures that sense of awe and wonder very nicely, and the colors on it really pop as well. If this doesn’t make you want to learn how to scuba dive, we don’t know what will.

Scuba Steve Half-Sleeve

This individual probably really loves scuba diving, so they got a tattoo of a scuba diver on their arm. In fact, maybe this piece of art is actually a self-portrait.

Two of a Kind

Losing a limb is a horrible thing, but luckily those who suffer such injuries are many times able to move on and even have a sense of humor about it. This person, with a prosthetic limb, decided to take that route.

Two of a Kind

Their other leg is a tattoo that makes it look like it’s a prosthetic as well, albeit a much more advanced one that’s got a realistic layer of skin. Very cool!

We’ve Also Got Venom

You didn’t think we’d look at a Spiderman tattoo without covering his arch-enemy, Venom? Here’s a glorious tattoo complete with torn flesh, a grinning Venom, and tons of color. It really looks like Venom is clawing his way right out of this guy’s chest!

We’ve Also Got Venom

Hopefully, your loved ones are familiar with Venom, or they might think you’re a little crazy if you come home with a tattoo like this. It’s definitely intense!

Thorny Shoulder Vines

Another checkmark in the “scary things coming out of people’s body” tattoo column, here’s a photo of some thorny vines shooting out of someone’s skin. The really convincing part is on this person’s shoulder in which the tattoo gives the illusion that the skin is getting pulled back.

Thorny Shoulder Vines

Every detail you notice makes this tattoo just a little more disturbing — whether it’s the strange gooey substance dripping off the vines, the shadow to give them pop, or the skin pulling back at the roots.

Definitely Don’t Remove This Tag

This isn’t a super fancy tattoo, but it’s very realistic. We’ve all heard of skin tags — here’s an actual skin tag that’s telling this person how to…wash their skin? It’s a simple but remarkably cool piece of 3D tattoo art.

Definitely Don’t Remove This Tag

You honestly can’t tell that it’s a fake tag until you realize that it looks like it’s been sewed directly into the skin. You definitely don’t want to remove this tag, that’s for sure!

Gotta Have…

Whatever this person is putting their faith in, they clearly meant it! They’re so determined to show off their faith that they’re putting it both in stone and permanent ink.

Gotta Have…

Given the overall assertiveness of this tattoo, we can only assume that this individual wants others to share their faith in whatever it is they’ve put so much trust in. We get it, dude, and we’re with you — please just tell your tattoo to stop shouting at us!

The Coolest Way to Wear Eyeliner

This person is so ladylike that even when they cry, they simply tear flower petals. Now, that’s a level of class most of us can only dream of! For those who are wondering, that isn’t this individual’s real eye.

The Coolest Way to Wear Eyeliner

The entire eye, eyebrow, and eyelashes are all part of the tattoo. However, they look so realistic that we had to double-take to make sure this tattoo artist didn’t put these designs around someone’s real eye!

Snack Time

This person has found the perfect solution for when there’s no food around but you really need a snack. This tattoo is so realistic that we can’t imagine having it, as it’d simply make us feel constantly hungry!

Snack Time

We like to think that there’s a story behind this body art… maybe this person has a loving memory attached to the candy? Perhaps it was the favorite treat of a beloved grandparent who passed away? Or, maybe this individual just really loves Jolly Ranchers?

Wrapped in Ivy

Sure, you can simply tattoo your (or someone else’s) name on your body but where’s the creativity in that? This is a cool and unique way to pay tribute to whomever you like while keeping it subtle.

Wrapped in Ivy

Imagine if you get this tattoo for your girlfriend Ivy but then you two break up? Well, you’ve still got a cool ivy tattoo and no one needs to know that it was originally for someone else!

Never Get Lost

This person is likely to never get lost since they have a compass tattooed onto their body! This body art is so realistic looking that we’re almost convinced this individual can just wander into the wilderness and be able to find their way back.

Never Get Lost

Our favorite thing about this particular piece of art is all of the shadow work and play between shades of gold/brown — that’s what gives it all of that depth!

Under the Sea

This crab tattoo is unique in that the 3D part isn’t actually the crab itself, as one may expect, but rather the water surrounding it. Particularly, those water drops toward the bottom which looks like they’re about to slide off this person’s arm altogether!

Under the Sea

The trick is the shading and shadows used to create the illusion of depth on the water drops. We definitely think that the Little Mermaid would approve of this sea-inspired body art!

Flowers From the Matrix

This tattoo kind of looks like it’s a bouquet of flowers straight out of the Matrix and the Matrix has been glitching! It appears that someone didn’t finish writing the flower code, resulting in this bouquet coming out cube-like.

Flowers From the Matrix

Hey, we get it, tech problems happen. At least the result is way cooler and more unique than just a boring ol’ bunch of flowers. We guess this person chose to take the red pill…

A Bear Kind of Man

This guy either really loves bears or really wants people to know that he is a bear! For those who don’t know, a bear is a man who looks traditionally “manly” and is interested in dating men.

A Bear Kind of Man

We don’t assume to know anyone’s dating preferences but if this man is a bear, then that’s a brilliant way to make sure the world knows it. We truly can’t think of a single more epic way to come out and express who you are. Can you?

Coming Out of the Woodwork

This tattoo is incredibly beautiful and the message behind it is hard to decipher, making it all the more interesting. Is this woman inside the tattooed person’s soul and trying to come out? Is she trapped in their body? Or is she there by choice?

Coming Out of the Woodwork

Why is it that her mouth and nose have broken through but her eyes remain covered? Whatever the reasons are behind this design, it’s most definitely a great conversation starter!

Two for One

It appears that this person couldn’t decide if they wanted a tattoo of a leaf or a rose, so they went for both! We have to say that the result is beautiful and we wouldn’t mind if there were actually a plant like this in nature.

Two for One

This body art is also a pretty brilliant way to stand out. After all, tons of people have leaf tattoos and flower tattoos are extremely popular. However, not too many people can say that they’ve got a flower and leaf tattoo rolled into one!

Perfectly Detailed

This intricate design is perfectly detailed! The usage of black ink throughout the tattoo really creates the illusion of negative space on this person’s leg. The play of lighter colored ink and darker colored ink makes it seem like this abstract design has depth and truly is 3D.

Perfectly Detailed

It almost looks like this person has a robotic leg or some sort of Matrix-like structure built into them. However, they came up with this design, it was certainly executed well!

Smoke and Mirrors

Is this woman looking at herself in the future? Or perhaps she’s thinking about a loved one who’s long gone? Whatever the meaning is behind this tattoo, we’re beyond impressed! The most perfectly executed part of this body ink is the fingers which turn into candles.

Smoke and Mirrors

When your eye goes to the hand, you see candles. Yet, when you gaze more toward the fingertips, it looks like they’re dangling in the air. It’s all about what you choose to focus on…

He Sees All

We all remember when we were kids and adults would tell us something along the lines of “I’ve got eyes in the back of my head.” Well, this guy can truly tell his children that and he wouldn’t be lying!

He Sees All

He sees all, and we’d be pretty scared to do anything behind his back. We do wish this eye was slightly less realistic, though, as we feel like we’re being watched. Regardless of which way this man’s head is turned, he can still see us.

The Woman in the Background

They say that “behind every successful man, there’s a woman.” It seems that this tattoo is meant to be some sort of a representation of that saying. At first glance, we see a strong lion who looks completely in control.

The Woman in the Background

However, we then see the woman behind the animal and it seems pretty clear that she’s really the one calling the shots. We wonder who’s the strong woman who inspired this tattoo?

Surf’s Up

This 3D tattoo makes us want to drop everything and go on a beach vacation! These gorgeous colors have perfectly emulated the beauty in nature and all the colors of a sunset.

Surf’s Up

The overall aesthetic of this tattoo gives off a tranquil vibe and brings about nostalgia for long days at the beach. Whether you’re a surfer or not, one look at this person’s body art may have you running off to catch some waves!

The Missing Piece

This is the final piece of the puzzle that makes up this person’s body. We’re not sure what they’re implying lies underneath this puzzle but the blue pattern almost looks like scales. Maybe it’s supposed to represent a dragon or a fish?

The Missing Piece

Either way, there’s no doubt about the quality of this body art. The shading is done so perfectly that our OCD instincts make us want to put that puzzle piece in its place!

A Wavy Skull

The lines of this skull create an interesting, wavy, effect that almost makes it looks like it’s underwater. It’s more than just the typical indentations of a skull, it’s how the tattoo artist played with the distance between each line.

A Wavy Skull

This must’ve taken quite a few hours and a whole lot of focus! We commend this person for being able to sit through the whole session and we’re even more impressed with this artist for their precision!

A Star Is Born

This person wanted to emphasize the things that are most important to them. Not only that, but of these qualities, they chose to give “love” the most emphasis. The star seems to imply that anyone who possesses these traits is leading an exemplary life.

A Star Is Born

Interestingly, they chose to have certain words partially covered. Was it just for aesthetic purposes? Or is there a hidden meaning behind those words being difficult to make out?

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

The diamond in this tattoo is so incredibly detailed that it’s mesmerizing! At first glance, it’s just a typical diamond. Then, we start to see that it’s shaped like a heart. When we look closer, we can almost make out a face inside this piece of art.

Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend

Truly, the diamond alone would have made for an amazing tattoo. “Amazing” isn’t good enough, though, this person went all out and got the mouth as well, resulting in body art that’s simply breathtaking!

A Window to Their Soul

This tattoo appears to be many different things, depending on who’s looking at it. We see an eye and then a window. Perhaps this is a play on the phrase “the eyes are a window into the soul”?

A Window to Their Soul

Regardless, the way the tattoo artist played with shapes to add depth is truly admirable! Bonus points for whoever noticed the water line toward the bottom of the eye so that it looks like the person is tearing up.

Count the Hearts

We think it’s safe to say that this person wears their heart on their sleeve! We love the different colors that mesh together to create a new color altogether. It seems to be symbolic of different types of people coming together to create one kind of, unified, love.

Count the Hearts

Or, you know, it could just be that this person liked these colors. That’s what’s so great about body art — it can mean different things to different individuals.

Why So Serious?

The iconic roles of the Batman comics have been reversed, in this person’s tattoo. Instead of a deck of cards having a Joker card, this one has a Batman card.

Why So Serious?

Does this mean that, in this tattoo’s parallel universe, the Joker is the good guy and Batman is the villain? Well, the dilemma of right and wrong is usually all about perspective, isn’t it? Perhaps that’s what this body art is trying to tell us.

Don’t Forget… to Shave?

This tattoo is incredibly impressive but, unfortunately, just a bit tough to read because of all the body hair on it. Perhaps that’s what this person is trying not to forget to do — shave.

Don’t Forget… to Shave?

Either way, the artwork is done so realistically that we’re almost worried this piece of paper is going to fly off with the wind! That pin looks super painful, too, we can almost feel it pricking on our own skin. Now, that’s some convincing body art!


It looks like there’s a creature living inside this person and they’re trying to claw their way out into the world. Is it symbolic of their inner demons trying to get out? Or is it just a really cool design that this person wanted as a tattoo?


Either way, it’s certainly disarming! We’re kind of afraid to see the full creature and if it manages to escape from the person’s skin. Maybe they should just zip this thing back up?

Shard of Glass

This tattoo is perfect proof that you don’t need to choose between having a colored or black and white tattoo — you can do both in just one piece! This body art creates the illusion of sunlight shining into the shard of glass, bringing color to the flower.

Shard of Glass

Both the colored and black and white parts of the flower are absolutely beautiful and the glass brings a unique element to this piece. Let’s just hope that getting it done wasn’t as painful as that glass looks!

You’ll Be in My Heart

Alright, let’s be real for a second here — how many of you automatically thought of Disney’s Tarzan after laying eyes on this incredible piece of ink? After all, does this 3D tattoo not look like Tarzan’s adoptive ape mother? If you’re not seeing it, you should probably get your eyes checked.

You’ll Be in My Heart

In any case, we can’t get over just how realistic this tattoo is. The detail in this piece is seriously jaw-dropping. Just look at it, people! We mean, how many sessions did this particular individual have to sit through before ending up with this work of art?

Simple Little Ring

If you’ve wanted to get your wrist pierced, you may have worried about getting the ring caught on stuff, and that’s a legitimate concern. Your hands are all over the place, after all, and a ring jutting out of your wrist skin might get caught on something.

Simple Little Ring

A good compromise if you still want to go for that look, though, is to just get a tattoo like this one. Now, it just looks like you’ve got a ring coming out of your wrist, and most everyone will think that.

A Window to the Heavens

This next tattoo isn’t completed yet, but it’s coming along very nicely. While simple, this piece makes use of 3D drawing techniques to give the illusion that this guy’s skin has holes in it to reveal the mysteries of the cosmos.

A Window to the Heavens

Here’s to hoping that the rest of the tattoo turns out as beautiful as the first section! These partially uncovered star tattoos are not only mesmerizing but super unique, too.

Tropical Paradise Illusion

Yet another tattoo that looks like it’s going straight through a person. This girl’s back is a window to another world — complete with endless water, palm trees, and a close-up of Saturn. Even though that makes no sense, it looks pretty cool!

Tropical Paradise

And although it only took a simple art technique to give this tattoo a 3D illusion, not everyone can create a masterpiece like this. Seriously — how realistic does this tropical oasis look?!

Words on a Page

One trend you’ll see in a lot of these photos are tattoos that look like the skin is breaking, ripping, or shattering to reveal something underneath. First up is this thought-provoking tattoo. It was made to give the illusion that this lady’s back is cracking to show her true colors and inner feelings.

Words on a Page

Whatever these words are referring to, it really looks like her skin is cracking and peeling. The art on this one is truly inspiring.

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